Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Illustration FRiday: Unbalanced

Sorry, I've been so busy, I couldn't balance my art hobby with other fun stuff!

One idea that came to mind for this topic was California's octomom. Her pregnant would be the epitome of unbalanced, physically and mentally. But I refuse to draw her and waste effort on her notoriety!

So, this is a sketch from last Friday's Dr. Sketchy's. I figured that if you were to run into this lady on the street, with her umbrella and goggles now that it's wintry, you might just think she's a little off... She's cool to sketch though.


  1. I'd think she was a little "off" myself. Interesting take on the topic, and very fitting. Nice work. Hey thanks for stopping by!

  2. Sensitive line work and lovely composition.

  3. Thanks for the comment!Great scketch,love the composition!

  4. This is a wonderful sketch. I have been watching you as you are developing your drawing skills. Great job!

  5. thanks for sharing the OctoMom "origins" of your drawing -- hilarous. I also like your IF: Blur painting, really nice color and mood.

  6. This is a great sketch! Very nice form and line work. Good shading and a great take on the theme "unbalanced


  7. Wonderful line work and honest commentary!

  8. Oh this is just so soft and beautiful. great work!!!

  9. Thank you so much for your lovely comment :)

  10. This is wonderful! You made it work for the theme! I liked your post, too.

  11. There is this guy in Philadelphia who often walk(very slow) on the street, shirt-less and wearing a humongous head phone. Next time I will make a point to ask if he can pose for me :)

  12. Nice work, yes many pose models are a tad odd, but of course we artists are not a normal group of folk either ;).
